Wednesday, August 01, 2007


For once, I felt that my WIPs and stash are in a big mess. Feel so messy. There are too many WIPs. I wish to have ten pairs of hands that can work on all the projects at the same time. I think I had to work out a plan or two to sort them and finish them asap coz my to-cast-on list keeps on growing. I also need to sort out a to-cast-on list which are those that I want or need to do fast.

Beside that my stash (both books and yarns) seems to be messy too. I lost track of the yarns count (think should be ard 350). I need to conduct a stock take soon. Hehe.

I would also have to do some christmas knitting and some christmas handicrafts soon. :)


R a i n said...

Good luck with the organizing!

Mira said...

I'm having a 'knitter's block'. Can't think of what to cast on. So currently no WIPs for me lol.

Regg said...

Christmas present? hm..
I want I want! :D

bluey said...

rain :thanks...

mira: I still haven't got knitter block leh. So my want to do list just grows.

regg: ok ok i go n plan first.