Monday, June 26, 2006

This is cool....

Isn't this cool?

This model is done by my bro n his frends using tiger beer can n bottles. It is done for a design competition organised by NLB and tiger beer. So proud of them they manage to work out a nice n practical design using can n bottles and of coz it fits into the "Come together" theme as well. Most importantly, they got the 1st prize. On top of that, my mum won $20 voucher for "Guess the winning team" competition.

Here are some other art pieces done by other competitors.


ML said...

Cooooool! I see there's some seats on ur bro design.. erm can sit one ah? Will collapse anot :P

icy said...

woah.. very nicey done.. amazing!

bluey said...

can sit can sit. I got take pixs wif me sitting on it. Actually hor i oso scared it would collapse when i sit hahah...